Friday, January 04, 2008

I call him......Stick man!

This insect has been hanging around my front door for the past couple of days. I'll admit that when i first saw it, i did actually think it was a stick.

I'm not quite sure what to do with it, so i am leaving it alone. I know its harmless, but it's still a wee bit....freaky. I have named it/him (?) Stick man.

Bravo for such a convincing camouflage stick man!


Seeking Him said...

HOly moly, that is the coolest thing I've ever seen! Keep us updated on Stick Man, please! :)

Maybe make him a little house and he'll stay? tee hee!

Emily said...

hilarious. he looks kind of huge. :)

PrincessPolly said...

he is massive!!! are they still insects when they're that big??? i would be majorly freaked out, i HATE insects! P x

kimberlie said...

Sadly, i think stickman has moved on. I'm glad i have some pictures though, something to remember him by...!

Australia- the home of some weird creatures!


TTQ said...
