Tuesday, January 22, 2008

A day for firsts!

Today i did something that i had never done before. Today i ........... complained about food, and not just to my friends, but the actual restaurant people!

Here's the story...

My friend & i go to a cafe/restaurant for lunch. I enquire about the vegie burger and am told that it's a vegie pattie on a roll with salad etc. Sounds good (and somewhat healthy) so I place my order.

Over half an hour later the food comes. Sitting in between my (burnt) roll was a tiny, deep fried, mass produced pattie on some (feral) lettuce. It was absolute crap! It was made of peas, corn & deb potatoe. I tried eat it, but could only digest about 2 bites.

Now i may or not be spolied, but vegie burgers where i come from are made on-site, out of more than 3 trypes of veges, & are NOT deep fried. Oh, and they also come with a side of taste!

I debated about complaining (I thought about it and wether or not i would serve it at home-no!), which made up my mind. She was ok about it, and gave back my money. I normally wouldn't have been that annoyed, BUT i did ask them about it and how it was served and never did they say 'deep fried crap'!

So what do you think? Was i in the right? Also, have you ever complained about food or sent it back??


maverick said...

lol...well..ya loads of times..in high end restaurants too..at places such as mcdonalds n alike..if somethings not right...i take it up with the mgmt straightaway...scares the hell out of the waiters if they try to act smart..lol

Seeking Him said...

Totally. I am a little more wary when complaining about actual people, but food, heck ya! You shouldn't have to pay for something that is clearly not what it should be. That is bad business, and should be corrected! HMPH!

Emily said...

i have complained about foodk i don't know if i've ever sent food back. but maybe. :) but esp. if food isn't hot, i've been known to complain.

Mummerina said...

I've complained about food (or service) a few times. But I've never sent food back - only because I dont know what they would to do it!!!

PrincessPolly said...

Good for you! Sometimes I wish I could complain about stuff. I remember this woman shortchanged me once in River Island. I gave her a ten pound note and a twenty pound note for something that cost £24.99 and she gave me 1p change. I actually argued the point and she looked at me like I was an absolute idiot and said "NO! You gave me TWENTY FIVE POUNDS". I left feeling like an idiot - and then five minutes later remembered I'd not had any money until I'd went to the atm right before entering the shop - and the atm doesn't give five pound notes! Whatever happened to the customer is always right? Sorry for the rant. The point is, I was scared to complain about anything before, and now I'm twice as bad!