Friday, March 23, 2007

Today is my Birthday!

Well, here it is, i have reached/peaked?? at 25 yrs old. It is a stange sensation in my house at the moment, on one hand people are mourning a recent death, and on the other, its a birthday. My birthday. I am the type of person who loves their birthday. BUT, I wasnt going bring it up, and maybe put it off for a while, but i was floored when the lady who is the most upset and affected, calls me and wishes me happy birthday. I nearly cried. Really, she has other things on her mind.

On a different note, i have to renew my license today. I do it every year. Now, i know that i could get a 3 or 5 year license, but i always tick yearly. Want to know why? Its a fairly shallow reason but i will spill......

I like to change the photo. Its a chance thing really, if you get a good photo you have to change it in a year (which is a bad thing) but if you get a bad photo then you get to change it in a year (which is a good thing) See the logic?

In summary, i think people need to put things in perspective. It may seem important at the time, but i am positive that someone else, somewhere in the world will be having a tougher time. So, when i see my photo today i will be ok with it, no matter the image i see.

1 comment:

Mummerina said...

hope you have a great w/e