Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Thinking, thinking, thinking hard

So, i think alot. I have always assumed that my thinking was like everyone elses. Until now. This is a prime example of what i think about......

I think and wonder about what people are doing right now. For example, are people blogging like me? Likely. Are they blogging about the same thing? Are they eating? Probable. BUT, are they eating the same as me (peanut butter and tomato sauce sandwhich btw). Also, do they drink tea? Probable. Tea like mine? (black, tea bag left in cup and three sugars). And then, are they thinking what i am thinking right now? Is someone else sneezing when i do? The list goes on......

Basically, i go around in a cycle that will never end.

Lastely, i think about all the time i have wasted thinking about people i dont know.

Is this normal? Im not sure.

What do you think?

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