Wednesday, March 21, 2007


Today i have been reminded of the fragility of life and the abruptness of death. It happens in an instant, one minute they are alive, the next they are dead.

Earlier at uni today i was studying grammar and tenses, and you know what i thought of as i heard the news? Tense. The fact that one minute he had a current tense, 'He is a great guy', and then, suddenly the tense moves to past 'He was a great guy'.

I hate that. I hate that not only does someone loose their life, people their partners, parents and fiends, but they also loose their state of being, of reference. They become history, and there isnt anything that anyone can do about it.

Actually, a lecturer said something that i liked last night, and it is somewhat suited to today 'Alcohol is for softening the blow of mortality'

I think i need a drink.

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