Monday, June 18, 2007

My world is in chaos..

1.Am back from trip
2.had an exam today
3.Still trying to wash and unpack. Not easy as it's raining. I am one of the few people who still dont own a dryer.
4. I have my brother, sister in law and nieces staying for a bit
5. Have to go to work tomorrow (first day back after holiday. Really dont want too)
6. my head hurts
7. Really dont want to go to work
8. Having trouble forming simple sentences.

Ok, enough of my winging.


Mummerina said...

How was Melb?!?! Find anything?!?!

Icy said...

Wow, family staying on top of all that, lucky you!

kimberlie said...

Karina:Melbourne was good, cold but good!

Icy: i just smile and nod..!