Monday, March 31, 2008

Activites of an umemployed lass.

Day one....

1. Wake up by a phone call from my mother at 9. She is coming over in an hour.
2. Lay in bed and think 'yep, i could get used to this'
3. Get up and put on 3rd Rock from the Sun. Eat breakfast & drink copious amounts of black tea.
4. Mum comes over. We go makeup and grocery shopping.
5. Come home and have lunch while watching 3rd Rock (yes, again)
6. Get on the internet. Do everything except what i am supposed to be doing- assingment.
7. Think of what to cook for dinner.
8. This


1 comment:

Susie said...

This is my life. Haha! Not really, but it gets tempting. I work at home doing freelance stuff so I actually have tons of work to do, but it's hard to get out of bed in the morning!