Monday, February 19, 2007

Wedgies and Stone Henge

I did it. I have made an eye mask (its pretty nifty even if i do say so myself!)
Sorry about the bluriness- must have been caused by all the excitement...! (haha, im a funny girl)
I have also started my cross stitch- OY!. I was wondering what to label these things under eg, 'ways to pass the time', but after thinking about it, i actually quite enjoy it. I am a nerd and i love it.
The other day i was speaking to a friend telling her all about my cross stictch etc, and i asked what she had been up too, her reply: ' a puzzle- Stone Henge. The sky was easy, but now i am stuck on a rock'.
See? Nerds, but i think i like it that way :)

In celebration of this acknowledgement, i thought i would share a poem that I wrote in high school roll call. Here is 'The Wedgie Poem' by Kimberlie.
Oh wedgie, wedgie why do you come,
up from behind and into the bum?
You sneaky sneak, oh not to be seen,
what to do when your in my jeans?
You feel so good right up there,
I feel at loss when your not there
You make me squirm, you make me pout,
you make me want to yank you out!
There. It has seen the light of day.
Good night.


Mummerina said...

ohh u make eyemasks???

kimberlie said...

certainly do- if you know anyone who wants one, let me know! Boredom should have a purpose... :)