Sunday, February 25, 2007

Is short the new tall?

On the weekend i went to Manly to visit a friend. We went down the corso etc and had lunch. It's a great place, but there is something i noticed: Most of the people were amazingly tall, tanned & toned, where as i am.... not. :)

It got me thinking. Does the *country breed short, pale people? OR, does the city breed model-like material? Is it a survival of the fittest senario?

Either way im ok with it. The rain hits the taller people first.......

(*-ok, so people classify The Hunter as country, but really, we are only 2hrs away from Sydney....)


Mummerina said...

Oh I love love love Manly...but yes I know what you mean. I was at Bondi Junction on the weekend (if you've not been to that westfeild...u MUST) but yeh, every gal there was gorgeous, tanned, stylish and tall.
Your lucky your from the Hunter...I'm from Western Syd :-(

Anonymous said...

That's ok. I am so white, I glow in the dark!!