Sunday, April 11, 2010

Lots of friends!

Funny story from Brisbane, also known as 'what not to ask a stranger'...

So, on Saturday i was meeting 3 other people for lunch, and since i was early i thought i would go ahead a get a table and have a drink while i waited.

The waiter comes to seat me and i ask for a table for 4. He then looks at me and asks 'Have you bought your imaginery friends with you?'

Now i think this is a STRANGE question to ask a customer. So i look at him funny. He then asks me 'What are their names?'

Again, this is odd. I reply with 'I'm not telling you their names' ( hopefully wierding him out too).

Anyway. I get a table, and then go to get a drink, and since it's quite hot i get a glass of wine AND a coke. There i am carrying back 2 drinks to an empty table and the waiter spots me and instantly focuses on the 2 drinks. God knows what he made of that!

But, was that a strange question to ask someone??????


P said...

He was possibly just joking and then you went along with it? Just a thought. :)

Mummerina said...

i think it was probably his lame attempt at humour!!!

Surely as a waiter, it is not un common for a solo to ask for a tabel of 4 and wait for their friends

kimberlie said...

Yeah, he must have been *trying* to be funny, and i can take a good joke, but this was just...odd.