Monday, May 05, 2008

Freaking Out- Part 1

I have been waiting for my freak out, and here it is. It did take much longer then i expected, and, well, i think it's come about because i am PMSing and possum has gone away with work until Wednesday.

I have been ok up until now, i have had things to do (shopping & job interviews), but today i have nothing. I have no motivation, no company, and no sense of calmness. I feel like chucking a tantrum, but what good is a tantrum if there is no-one to comfort you afterward?

My brother was going to come in and visit me today, but he couldnt be bothered driving. I understand this, but a familar face would have been nice. I'm sure if i had explained my issues, he would have come, but then i know it would have been out of pity.

I am sure i am over-reacting, i have another interview to go to tomorrow and im sure once i have a job i will level out, but right now, everyone seems to have a plan- a thing to go to, or a person to laugh with.

In saying all this, i really do like Brisbane. It's just that most things are designed for pairs, and whilst my other half is absent, i have nothing to do.

Deep breath. I think i need a cup of tea.

Update: I am being silly. I have things to do, Uni assignments etc, but i am just being stubborn and petty. I just have to be calm and focus on my productive day tomorrow. A day filled with chocolate, shopping, productiveness and another interview. And then, after all that, possum will be home the following day and i will get to hassle him out. See? All better!


Anonymous said...

Awwww, I soooooo know how you are feeling. When we first moved here, S started work straight away and I was waiting on my nursing registration to come though, I wandered the streets of Brisbane for 6 whole looooong weeks!!!! I felt like I was losing it.

I am going to email you my number babe, text me anytime and we shall meet.
Today is Mr S's birthday, otherwise I would have totally been free to catch up!

You're not being silly at all babes, it is a totally natural way to feel!

ttq said...

damn girl you have been through a lot lately go easy on yourself..

I would be laid up in bed with take out menus scattered all around me while I watched TV.
Long baths, with no pets or husband.

Ok now I'm pissed off at you! I want to be left alone for a few days!