Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Blonde moments

We all do silly things AKA Blonde moments, so i thought i would share one of mine...

I dont mind checking out garage sales, so one day I checked the newspaper for the lists and started visiting the addresses. I went to a few, but couldnt see any movement. Zilch. Thinking they must have finished early, i went to check out some more addresses....

Turns out the newspaper i was using was last weeks.



Anonymous said...

OMG, that is too funny!

You totally made me laugh out loud!!

Mummerina said...


That is hilarious!!!

Anonymous said...

Silly things....that's me all the time. (Clumsy too, but that's another story)You know those lint roller tapes...for getting lint off your clothes...I once walked around all day at work with one of the sheets stuck to the back of my pant leg...a big white sticky sheet. No one said anything. I found out when I got home. Ugh! I thought I looked so good, and was strutting around like a peacock...ooops!

Susie said...

Hahah that is soo funny!

I do things like go to my doctor appointments on the wrong day all the time. It's starting to worry me a bit...