Saturday, October 17, 2009

My head hurts

Argh, today my head feels all funky. Wanna know why? Ok, i'll tell you, but it's kinda gross...
Yesterday morning at about 5:00 am i work up with a terrible migrain, so i took some heavy duty painkillers in the hope that they would fix it. Oh how i was wrong.

From about 10-2 pm i was vomitting ( not that there was anything there to vomit mind you), and then spent the rest of the day trying to fall asleep to escape the pain.

Migraines suck! And while i'm not a stranger to them, they are changing in their effects, and getting progressively worse. I am pretty sure they are hormonal, so i am not quite sure how to handle them.

Any ideas? While i was in Brisbane, i did see my doc, and we decided to change my pill to the lowest degree. In a way, this has worked because i don't get them as often, but when i do they seem much worse.

1 comment:

Emily said...

I'm really familiar with migraines, so let me tell you what I'd suggest.

Get to your general practitioner. Ask to be referred to a neurologist. In the meantime, as your GP if he thinks it's a good idea to go off your birth control pill.

You can read around online, but often people who get migraines need to stay away from birth control pills. It's worth asking him/her and seeing what they say!

Best of luck.