Tuesday, March 11, 2008

A post about stuff....

Well, it's been a few days so i thought i should do a post. There have been a few random things going on that have kept me...preoccupied. Let's see shall we?

1. High possibility of moving to a whole new state.
2. My lovely brother came out of the closest. Love him.
3. Work issues.
4. Am turning 26 soon- HAVING 1/4 LIFE CRISIS.
5. I have looked at my credit card bill.... (enough said)
6. Am PMSing and.....
7. Have not chocolate left in the house! Am resorting to picking the chocolate chips of my muesli bars.
8. For some reason i find myself obsessed with The Biggest Loser.


TTQ said...

You a have a gay brother? I'll trade you one sister for a gay brother. Seriously.

kimberlie said...

yeah i know, it is kinda cool! (in some ways, a little like the sister i never had...!)

no trade though. I have 3 brothers and no sisters and i am keeping it that way!

maverick said...

u need to go out n take jog or something :D..get some fresh air going :)