Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Input please

People, i need help! It's my niece's 8th birthday on Saturday and i have no idea what to get her. Though, i know what i am NOT getting her:

Art supplies
Anything breakable

You would think this would makes things easier but it does not. She has EVERYTHING!

I was considering a little bag & purse set, but im not convinced. Is there anything else?

I want you to think back to when you we were eight- what did you most covert?


Seeking Him said...

I coveted purses, jewelry, perfume, and books! (Baby sitters club, hello!) LOL!

Emily said...

wellll i don't remember what i liked, but i'll tell you what MY 8 year old niece likes. books and Littlest Pet Shop (toys). good luck!

maverick said...

probably some toys or bicycle to ride arnd :) updated

TTQ said...

Books were always good.. a puppy, a kitten.. oh wait the kids don't belong to you. Drum set!? kidding again..

The purse sounds great, and put 8 dollars in it, one for each year she has been alive.

Bass Man said...

How about a special visit with Auntie to go shopping, go to a spa, a movie, a hike or overnite camping, a sporting event. Other possibilities: a book you loved when you were her age, an item that was special for you and your sibling when you were 8.

kimberlie said...

hey thanks for the suggestions people!

Emily said...

I'm with pdd. Books! They will entertain her, and help with her education. I loved BSC.