Thursday, December 13, 2007

Obsessions AKA collections

There are some things in life that i just have to have. Im not necessarily talking about the expected bags, shoes, books, etc, but those odd little things that you just cant pass by, and more often than not, things that you dont even use alot....

1. Eye masks. Yep, i have plenty, but do i use them? No, every now and then, but not nearly enough to warrant my collection.

2. Address Books. Yes they are useful, BUT just how many can you use at once? At the moment i am using 4. And you know what? Its basically a full time job making sure they are all updated...! (in saying that, i did just buy another...:)

3. OK, purses. I have soooooooo many. I have heaps of bags too, but purses are different. Kind of like necklaces v. bracelets. Bags are just so obvious. Purses are more understated.....

Im sure i will think of more. Although, all this does prompt a question-
Whats this different between an obsession & a collection?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I LOVE organizers!! I have way too many....I many calendars do you really need??