Monday, January 29, 2007

Getting to know you (as in me)......

So, before i go any further, this is me. Its an ok picture, taken about a year ago.
( i swear my eyes really arent that wrinkly.....I was just really happy! :o)
Now that i have been formally introduced, we can continue.
Today i finalised (hopefully) my uni timetable. This will be my first proper year at uni. Last year i completed an 'Open Foundation' course which enables you to get a UAI which you need, and i didnt have one because i spent much of my school days...
a. Stoned
b. listening to Guns n Roses
c. Stoned
d. Driving (stoned)
e. none of the above (fake answer)
Mum, if you have by some chance navigated yourself here, please see & believe e.
In saying that, my evil ways have changed, and i am an upstanding member of society. My only habit now is shopping, which is a much better course of action as i am supporting the economy!
See? you can justify anything!

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Times new roman......

.... is the bain of my existance! I absolutly hate it. I hate it the way i hate Art deco, pumpkin & boy bands.

I did not plan on this being my first post, but i certainly didnt want to start out with ''well, this is my first post'' so i guess this will be the one and only time it will be of any use. at all.

Ideally, this post will be read by many. They will flock to this page, awaiting a new posting, anything really, it wouldnt matter, just as long as there was a post. I say this because thats how I am (to a certain extent) with other bloggers. I may have exaggerated, but if just one (other) person reads this blog and likes it enough to pay it a visit every now and then well yea for me.

I also, of couse, think I could be fostering a wee bit of writing skill. Its hard to judge though on a few essays and some stoned rantings from long ago :o)

But, i digress. I have also forgotten my point.

On this note i shall publish this post and be slightly chuffed with myself.