So, before i go any further, this is me. Its an ok picture, taken about a year ago.
( i swear my eyes really arent that wrinkly.....I was just really happy! :o)
Now that i have been formally introduced, we can continue.
Today i finalised (hopefully) my uni timetable. This will be my first proper year at uni. Last year i completed an 'Open Foundation' course which enables you to get a UAI which you need, and i didnt have one because i spent much of my school days...
a. Stoned
b. listening to Guns n Roses
c. Stoned
d. Driving (stoned)
e. none of the above (fake answer)
Mum, if you have by some chance navigated yourself here, please see & believe e.
In saying that, my evil ways have changed, and i am an upstanding member of society. My only habit now is shopping, which is a much better course of action as i am supporting the economy!
See? you can justify anything!